Media Mentions
30 September, 2021
Live radio interview with Anna Cookson
Interview in response to news coverage about older workers being hardest hit when furlough ends today.
‘The Wake Up Call’ Show
February, 2020
Managing an International Workforce: 2020 & Beyond
International conference panel participant
‘Talking ‘bout my generation: attracting and retaining the baby boomers – challenges for employers’
Employers are increasingly looking to the generation born between 1945 and 1964 to fill skills gaps in their workforce and bring vital experience to the table. This session considers how international employers in a range of sectors are meeting the challenge of retaining the Baby Boomer generation in employment.
March, 2019
The Caterer
Online and magazine
'Old dog, new tricks: why you should employ older workers' (page 24 - 25)
November, 2018
The Guild of Entrepreneurs
Magazine, Issue 4
'Generation Start-up' (page 39 - 40) feature article in print.
June, 2018
UK's leading wealth managers
Perspective Magazine, Spring 2018
'A Richer Later Life' (page 18 - 21) feature article in print.
September, 2017
The Age of the Older Entrepreneur report
Case study (page 8) in print, online and launch event.
September, 2017
Money marketing
'Mind the Age Gap' online article
For press enquiries, please get in touch via our contact form.