David - the Age-friendly Business Leader
Current role: Senior Vice President, Global Head of Business Transformation Services (BTS) & Head of FSI Northern Europe, Atos
Age at time of interview: 53
Length of time at Atos: 5 years, 2 months
David is an energetic champion for the power of an age-diverse workforce. He’s delighted that 60% of the people in his division are over 50 and believes that being an age-friendly employer is a must these days. At IAS, he’s seen how mature workers offer both warmth and wisdom. If you’re over 50, he recommends you should recognise your value and embrace new opportunities.
This is one of the most incredible businesses I’ve ever had the privilege to be part of. It’s utterly amazing to work with around 2,000 passionate health professionals who are so dedicated to their jobs. Day in and day out, they make sure that the most vulnerable people in our society get the time and attention they deserve so they can tell their stories of how their disabilities affect them.
My pride in my workforce and this business knows no bounds and it’s so rewarding to see the service that we’ve built together.
Age diversity is a must
These days, being an age-friendly employer is indispensable. IAS’s work in gender, diversity and age equality is second to none. We’re totally committed to creating a diverse workforce which, of course, includes older workers.
Within my division of 5,500 people, 76% are women and more than 60% are over the age of 50, which means that I have a very rich and diverse workforce. I believe it would be a huge disadvantage for our organisation if we didn’t have that diversity.
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Warmth and wisdom
I’m really excited about the opportunity to attract people who are in the older worker category to come and work with IAS. In my view, having a good mix of ages at IAS is important not just for our organisation but for claimants too.
From IAS’ point of view, health professionals who have been in the industry for many years are able to offer valuable support to new and younger colleagues. They can provide training, coaching and mentoring, as well as sharing words of wisdom. We also offer reverse mentoring so that mature workers have the chance to learn from younger people.
My role at Atos
Following almost 13 years at BT Global Services and a stint at Capita IT Services, I joined Atos just over five years ago and have been Senior Vice President of Business Transformation Services (BTS) for three years now.
My role involves managing a large team of Client Executives, Finance, Commercial, HR, Operations and Communications Directors to ensure that our clients enjoy the very best attention and service from us at all times. I’m also heavily involved in strategy setting, delivery and performance overviews, client reviews and business development planning.
Looking ahead – personally and professionally
My role continues to give me plenty of excitement and stimulation. I enjoy being exposed to huge challenges and having the opportunity to go in and fix stuff. I also love to re-energise teams and client relationships.
In my spare time, I chair a fundraising committee, The Toon Council, which raises funds and awareness for The Sick Children’s Trust. I’m also a board member of a music development organisation and am a lifelong supporter of Newcastle United FC.
This time next year, I’d like my business to be one of the most important global divisions for Atos. Ten years from now, I hope I’m spending more time on the golf course and am working a couple of days a week as a Non-Executive Director.
What's Great About IAS?
We’re committed to age diversity
We’re a very inclusive, diverse business that hires people for their skills, experience and attitude, rather than for their age. We promote an ethos that celebrates each person’s individuality, regardless of their age, creed or culture. It’s all about accepting people and helping them be the best they can be at work.
We’re always learning
IAS places a huge emphasis on Continual Professional Development, with special strands dedicated to older workers. We have a Mid-career Review Cycle to ensure that colleagues have the chance to discuss their progress and ambitions. Our ‘Future Fit’ programme also enables people to identify the skills they want to revisit or develop.
All ages learn from each other
Our Aeon network gives mature workers a chance to come together, challenge and support each other, and identify opportunities for greater equality. It’s also a place where employees of all ages can get together and learn from each other. In addition, we encourage inter-generational learning through mentoring and reverse mentoring.
“If you’re a CEO who doesn’t actively recruit or retain older workers, you’re missing out.”
Senior Vice President, Global Head of Business Transformation Services (BTS) & Head of FSI Northern Europe, Atos
David's career journey
David's advice to others
Know your value
Older workers need to understand the richness that they bring to an organisation. They offer a wonderful combination of life experience and work experience. Having lived through so many changes, in both their personal and work lives, they can often instinctively suggest wise solutions to business challenges. So my advice to mature workers is: appreciate your worth! Organisations need your knowledge and experience.
Beware the comfort zone
Sometimes I hear that people over 45 are worried about taking a risk and stepping outside their comfort zone at work. My reaction is always: “Worry about staying in your comfort zone, not stepping outside it!” Transformation and disruption are all around us. Don’t sit back and let things happen to you. Be active and be part of the change.
Businesses stand to win
If you’re a CEO who doesn’t actively recruit or retain older workers, you’re missing out. They are just as productive as their younger colleagues and are in the ideal position to pass on their knowledge and experience to others in your workforce. Increasingly, older workers will be a critical part of any successful business. Start putting the policies in place now to attract and retain this age group, as your business can only benefit from having a more diverse and inclusive workforce.
Attending gigs, watching Newcastle United FC play, running a music production agency, and drinking red wine.
Just some of David’s interests and side hustles